Saturday, 23 March 2013

Working with ‘Styles’ in word 2007

There are predefined set of Styles available in ‘Styles’ panel located at ‘Home’ ribbon. However, the people who write documents adhering to certain standards are not contended with these styles at all, as they have their own styles and standards for document formatting.

Think of a situation, where you are writing headings, sub headings and content for 10-12 chapters of a document and applying different font sizes, colors and thicknesses to achieve variations. You will definitely have to put much effort and time on this document creation task. 

But you can create your own styles very easily and use them to achieve variations in your document.It is very easy. Follow the steps below;

1. Go to 'Home' ribbon-->'Styles' panel and click on the arrow shown below.

2. From the 'Style' window, select New Style icon.

3. Then you will land on 'Create New Style from Formatting'. Now, create your styles as your wish....

I created a brown colored heading of size 26 with a hyphen. More formatting options are available in the 'Format' menu available at the bottom right side. 

4. Now the created style is available in the 'styles' panel. Write down the words, then click on your created style to apply formatting. It is easy as that.  

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